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  • When can I take Segment One?
    Segment One can be taken as soon as you are 14 years, 8 months old. You MUST be 14 years, 8 months old on the first day that you attend class. For example, if your birthday is October 10th, the first possible date that you could attend a Segment One class is June 10th. You COULD NOT come to a class on June 9th. ​ Here is a relevant section of the law: (SEC. 33 (a)(i)) We (Mr.R's Driving School) shall "Verify that a person enrolled in a driver education course complies with the following: (i) Is 14 years, 8 months of age or before beginning a segment 1 curriculum. A student's initial attendance or participation in a class shall not begin or commence on a date after the first day of that scheduled class without good cause. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the student being less than 14 years and 8 months on the first day of class is not good cause." ​ SOOO, in our example if your birthday is October 10th and we started a class on JUNE 9th, you could not come on June 9th. However, you could come on June 10 as long as the reason you didn't come on June 9th ISN'T the fact that you weren't 14 years 8 months yet. So if you were on vacation or sick, that would be different.
  • What do I have to bring the first night of class?
    You must bring a Birth Certificate for us to look at and verify the date of birth and the spelling of your name. Also bring a filled out and signed copy of the Segment One Contract (we e-mail you one when you sign up for a class). We provide all class materials. ​
  • What is a "Pink Slip"?"
    A Pink Driving Permit (PDP or Pink Slip) is a piece of paper(yes, it is pink) that may be given out to students enrolled in Segment One class after completing at least 10 hours of classroom instruction and at least 2 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. This paper (after it's signed by all appropriate parties) is a legal license to drive with a licensed parent/guardian in the car with them. It typically expires on the last day of class, at which point the student would be going to the Secretary of State to get a Level 1 License. ​ It is not required to be given to a student, but ideally it allows the student to start getting practice in between driving times with their instructor.
  • Can my brother and sister be in the car when I'm driving on my Pink Slip?
    Yes, other people may be in the car. You must have a minimum of a licensed parent or guardian in the car, but other people can be in there as well. ​
  • What happens if I have to miss a class?
    The State of Michigan requires that you attend 24 hours of class in order to complete Segment One, so if you ever need to miss a regularly scheduled class session, you will have to find a way to make up that class. We make it very easy to do that by offereing classes all the time, year-round. If you miss class #3, you can just attend class #3 with the next class or ANY subsiquesnt class. If it is a VIRTUAL class then you will need the Zoom link to join and you can get that by emailing the office. Some people even do an entire week with another class. For example, you attend weeks #1 and #2 with one class and then 3 weeks later you attend week #3 with the next class! We understand that schedules are busy and we are as flexible as the State allows in order in get in your 24 hours of class!
  • When can I take Segment Two class? ​
    Segment Two class can be taken anytime AFTER three months on your Level One License. This is different from when you took Segment One or when you finished Segment One. This is the date that you actually went to the Secretary of State office and got your Level One License. Three months from THAT date is when you are first eligible to take Segment Two. Click here to figure out when you got your Level One License We typically recommend that you take Segment Two class just before you are planning on taking a Road Test. The content is designed for students who are just about to start driving on their own. We offer Segment two at least twice a month year round for your convenience. Click here for a list of upcoming classes.
  • Can I take Segment Two at a different driving school than I took Segment One?
    Yes, you can take Segment One and Segment Two wherever you chose that is the right fit for you. We offer classes year round to accommodate your busy schedule! Click here for a list of upcoming classes
  • Does a parent have to come along on the Road Test?
    If someone is under 18, they must be accompanied by a parent/guardian OR and parent/guardian representative. This could be an aunt or uncle or grandparent or neighbor or sibling or anyone over 21 AS LONG AS YOU FILL OUT THE PARENT SUBSTITUTION FORM and bring it along. Also, NO ONE ELSE may ride along on the test. So, make arrangements for other siblings and/or pets. If someone is 18 or older and has their Temporary Instruction Permit (T.I.P.), then they go on the road test by themselves.
  • Do I get points off if my mom talks in the backseat?
    No. Parents cannot give any driving advice or make any comments about driving but there are no penalties for talking. If parents do overstep those boundaries ("Johnny, you need to get into the turn lane!") they will be issued a verbal warning ("Mrs. Smith, you need to let Johnny make those decisions, this is your verbal warning") and that warning will be recorded. If it happens again then the test would be stopped.
  • How long does the Road Test take?
    The entire process takes approximately an hour. Filling out paperwork takes approximately 5-10 minutes. The parking lot procedures take approximately 5-10 minutes and the on road portion takes about 25-40 minutes depending on the traffic and the route.
  • What happens if I fail my road test?
    People fail the road test for many different reasons. You can take another test as soon as the next day (the State of Michigan does not allow you to test again the same day). Your examiner will go over the test with you and make sure you know why you failed. Your examiner IS NOT responsible for OR capable of teaching you how to drive during your 5 minutes of feedback after your test. Depending on the reason for failure you may want to consider getting more practice in the area you struggled with: If you failed in the parking lot, you might be ready to pass immediately. If you struggled with driving on the expressway, some focused expressway practice might have you ready in a few days. If it was an automatic failure (one big mistake), maybe you learned ‘the hard way’ and will never do that again. If there were multiple areas of struggle, you may need weeks or months of consistent practice before you are ready to drive on your own and get a license.
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